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Leachlobe Cyphomeris (Cyphomeris crassifolia)

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Overview, Leachlobe Cyphomeris

Overview of plant, near San Miguel, Coahuila, Mexico. Photograph by Wynn Anderson.

Foliage, Leachlobe Cyphomeris   Viscid stem ring, Leachlobe Cyphomeris

Foliage (left) and viscid stem ring with captured insect parts. Near San Miguel, Coahuila, Mexico. Photographs by Wynn Anderson.

Cleistogamous flowers, Leachlobe Cyphomeris   Fruit, Leachlobe Cyphomeris

Cleistogamous flowers (left) and fruit. Near San Miguel, Coahuila, Mexico. Photographs by Wynn Anderson.


Last Update: 7 Oct 2013