Pecan (Carya illinoinensis)
Pecan grove, Mesilla Valley, New Mexico. Photograph by A.H. Harris.
- Common English Names: Pecan
- Common Spanish Names: Nuez encarcelada, Nogalito, Nogal morado, Nogal liso
- Scientific Name: Carya illinoinensis (Wang.) K. Koch (CARE-ee-uh ill-in-noy-ee-NEN-sis)
- Family: Junglandaceae (Walnut Family)
- Geographic Range: Riparian bottomlands, southern and mid-western US, north to Indiana and Iowa, east to Virginia, south to Alabama, central Texas, and northeastern Coahuila,
- Plant Form: Large tree to 90' tall.
- Landscape Use: Although not native to the area, Pecan is widely planted across the northern Chihuahuan Desert region for both dense landscape shade and agricultural
production of edible nuts. Requires deep, rich soil, ample moisture, and full sun.
- Remarks: A versatile riparian tree related to walnut and hickory that produces edible nuts, good landscape shade, and durable attractive wood. Pecan is the official State
Tree of Texas.
Last Update: 13 Jun 2008