Woolly Butterflybush (Buddleja marrubiifolia)
Flowers and foliage of the Woolly Butterflybush. Photograph by A.H. Harris.
- Common English Names: Woolly Butterflybush
- Common Spanish Names: Saffron, Arafrán del Campo, Azafrancillo, Topocan
- Scientific Name: Buddleja marrubiifolia (BUD-lee-yuh mar-roob-bih-FO-lee-uh)
- Family: Buddlejaceae (Butterflybush Family) (Formerly Loganiaceae)
- Geographic Range: Southern Big Bend of Texas, adjacent Coahulia and Chihuahua, south to San Luis Potosí.
- Plant Form: Shrub 5' x 5' or less.
- Remarks: Much branching shrub with numerous ovate leaves densely covered with short, golden-tinged gray hairs providing a velvety feel and silver cast to the foliage.
Fragrant, ½-inch ball-like clusters of golden yellow, fading to bright orange flowers from late spring to early fall. Requires full sun, low water, good drainage. Moderately hardy to
15°F. Will attract butterflies.
Last Update: 9 Nov 2002