Flaxleaf Bouchea (Bouchea linifolia)
Peckerwoods Garden, Hempshead, TX. Photograph by Wynn Anderson.
- Common English Names: Flaxleaf Bouchea, Groovestem Bouchea
- Common Spanish Names:
- Scientific Name: Bouchea linifolia (Boo-SHEE-uh lin-ih-FOLE-ee-uh)
- Family: Verbenaceae (Vervain Family)
- Geographic Range: Southern Trans-Pecos across to southern Edwards Plateau of Texas; Coahuila, Mexico.
- Plant Form: Shrub, 3 ft X 3 ft.
- Remarks: Low shrub with thin, narrow, lanceolate to linear leaves on numerous, ridged, erect stems with loose terminal clusters of lavender-purple, tubular, 1¼ inch
long flowers in multiple blooming waves, summer to fall, with moisture. Low water, full sun, and well draining soil. Moderately hardy.
Last Update: 29 May 2004