Chihuahuan Desert Plants: Narrowleaf Spiderling (Boerhavia linearifolia)
Narrowleaf Spiderling (Boerhavia linearifolia)
Narrowleaf Spiderling (Boerhavia linearifolia), Amistad, Texas. Photograph by Gertrud

- Common English Names: Narrowleaf Spiderling, Linear-leaf Spiderling
- Common Spanish Names: Mochis
- Scientific Name: Boerhavia linearifolia (beer-HAH-vee-uh
- Family: Nyctaginaceae (Four-o'clock Family)
- Geographic Range: Open calcareous soils or rock in desert scrub and arid
grasslands in south-central New Mexico, Trans-Pecos and central Texas, and eastern Chihuahua to
Coahuila and Durango.
- Description: Perennial herb, sometimes slightly woody at the base; stems are
usually erect or ascending, sometimes decumbent, sparingly branched and often hirsute to glandular
puberulent; leaves mostly on the lower two-thirds of plant, linear to lanceolate, rarely ovate,
glabrous to sparsely hispid or glandular pubescent and sometimes punctate, usually paler below than
above; branches of inflorescence few but strongly ascending, terminating in loose, 1 to few
flowered cymose clusters of purplish-pink, relatively large, somewhat showy, widely funnelform
flowers with well exserted stamens.
- Notes: This species is without sticky, viscid bands between stem nodes of the

Last Update: 7 Oct 2013