Texas Madrone (Arbutus xalapensis var. texana)
Fig. 1 (top). Texas Madrone (Arbutus xalapensis var. texana). As the bark peels away, other layers with different colors are revealed. This specimen, from Guadalupe Mountains
National Park, also has naturally dead areas and branches that were cut before the park was established. The foliage in the upper left is of Alligator Juniper. Photograph by A.H. Harris. Figs. 2,
3. Madrone has typical heath-type flowers, while the fruit is bright red. Photographs by Wynn Anderson.
- Common English Names: Texas Madrone, Naked Indian, Lady Legs
- Common Spanish Names: Madrone
- Scientific Name: Arbutus xalapensis var. texana (ar-BEW-tus hal-uh-PEN-sis variety teck-ANN-uh) (also as Arbutus texana).
- Family: Ericaceae (Heath Family)
- Geographic Range: Southeastern NM, western Texas into eastern Mexico.
- Plant Form: Tree to 40 ft.
- Remarks: The variegated bark, often with areas of deep mahogany red, is striking; difficult to grow at lower elevations, however.
Last Update: 19 Sep 2003