Hinton's Ringstem (Anulocaulis hintoniorum)
Overview, Coahuila, Mexico. Photograph by Wynn Anderson.
Foliage and flower, Coahuila, Mexico. Photographs by Wynn Anderson.
- Common English Names: Hinton's Ringstem
- Common Spanish Names: None known
- Scientific Name: Anulocaulis hintoniorum (ann-noo-low-CALL-us
- Family: Nyctaginaceae (Four-O'clock Family)
- Geographic Range: Chihuahuan Desert endemic plant known only from open shale
slopes south of Parras in southern Coahuila, Mexico.
- Description: Perennial herb from woody roots, a few paired basal leaves and
1-2 divaricately branching stems rising 2-3 feet with mostly solitary, attractive, reddish purple
flowers scattered through the inflorescence. A nocturnal bloomer, the flowers opening at dusk and
closing by mid-morning.
- Notes: One of many plants named for the legendary Hinton family of Mexican
botanists, a father, son, and now grandson from Nuevo León who have made significant
contributions to Mexican botany.
Last Update: 30 Sep 2013