Yerba Mansa (Anemopsis californica)
Yerba Mansa (Anemopsis californica) in bloom. Photograph by Wynn Anderson.
- Common English Names: Yerba Mansa, False Anemone, Lizard Tail
- Common Spanish Names: Yerba Mansa, Hierba de Manso
- Scientific Name: Anemopsis californica (Ann-eh-MOP-sis cal-ih-FORN-ih-cah)
- Family: Saururaceae (Lizard's Tail Family)
- Geographic Range: Kansas south to Texas and west to California, Oregon.
- Plant Form: Herbaceous perennial, 1½' tall, spreading by runners.
- Remarks: Vine-like runners root at leaf nodes to form a dense spreading carpet of large dark green leaves with long stemmed, white cone-shaped flowers in summer; leaves turn
red and die after frost to return from hardy rooted crowns in spring; prefers moist soil in shade or part shade, but established plants are moderately drought tolerant and will accept full sun
with adequate irrigation.
Last Update: 12 Jul 2002