Largeflower Onion (Allium macropetalum)
Largeflower Onion (Allium macropetalum), El Paso, TX (left). Photograph by Ad Konings.
Close-up of flowers, Chihuahuan Desert Gardens (right). Photograph by Wynn Anderson.

Bulb of Largeflower Onion, Chihuahuan Desert Gardens. Photograph by Wynn Anderson.

- Common English Names: Largeflower Onion
- Common Spanish Names: Cebollin
- Scientific Name: Allium macropetalum (AL-ee-um mak-ro-PET-al-um)
- Family: Alliaceae (Onion Family), formerly Amaryllidaceae and Liliaceae
- Geographic Range: Trans-Pecos of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and western
- Description: Perennial clustering bulb to 12", flowers erect, white to
pink with darker pink or reddish mid-ribs.
- Ethnobotany: Bulb is edible, mildly garlic flavored.
Last Update: 29 Aug 2013