Spreading Moonpod (Acleisanthes diffusa)
Overview, Spreading Moonpod, Otero Mesa, Otero Co., NM. Photograph by Wynn Anderson.
Flowers and foliage (left) and fruit (right), Otero Mesa, Otero Co., NM. Photographs by Wynn Anderson.
- Common English Names: Spreading Moonpod
- Common Spanish Names: None known.
- Scientific Name: Acleisanthes diffusa (a-kly-SAN-thes
dih-FEW-sah)(formerly Selinocarpus diffusa)
- Family: Nyctaginaceae (Four O'Clock Family)
- Geographic Range: Dry clays or silty to sandy soils, usually gypseous or
calcareous in nature, from extreme southwestern Oklahoma and scattered in the Texas Panhandle
through south-central New Mexico to the northern portion of the Trans-Pecos of western Texas.
- Description: Leafy, mounding perennial, or semi-woody subshrub, mounding to
prostrate and spreading, somewhat thick and slightly fleshy, rough (scabrous), grayish-green leaves
with undulating margins. Flowers single in leaf axils, tubular trumpet shaped to 2 inches long,
tube dull greenish, sometimes lightly reddish tinged, terminal flaring white to yellowish with
green throat and midribs. Fruit small fruit with short pale pinkish to white translucent
Last Update: 30 Sep 2013