Goosefoot Moonpod (Acleisanthes chenopodioides)
Goosefoot Moonpod (Acleisanthes chenopodioides), Alpine, TX. Photograph by Wynn Anderson.
Flowers and fruit, near Flores Magon, Chihuahua, Mexico. Photographs by Wynn Anderson.
- Common English Names: Goosefoot Moonpod
- Common Spanish Names: None known.
- Scientific Name: Acleisanthes chenopodioides (a-kly-SAN-thes keen-oh-poh-dee-OI-des)(formerly Ammocodon chenopodioides)
- Family: Nyctaginaceae (Four O'Clock Family)
- Geographic Range: Dry rocky or sandy creosote-scrub flats and slopes in southeastern Arizona, southern New Mexico to west Texas, south to central Chihuahua, Mexico.
- Description: Erect to decumbent herbaceous perennial, much branched with terminal clusters of small pink to rose-pink flowers and short, winged fruits.
Last Update: 23 Sep 2013