Fern Acacia (Acaciella angustissima)
Overview. Photograph by Wynn Anderson.
Flowers and seed pods of Acaciellaangustissima. Photographs by Wynn Anderson.

- Common English Names: Fern Acacia, Whiteball Acacia
- Common Spanish Names: Timbre, Guajito
- Scientific Name: Acaciella angustissima (ah-kay-cee-EL-lah
- Family: Fabaceae (Legume Family)
- Geographic Range:: Florida across to Arizona, grasslands of southern New
Mexico and Trans-Pecos Texas, and south through Chihuahua, Durango, and Coahuila in the Chihuahuan
Desert Region into southern Mexico and Central America.
- Plant Form: Perennial/Sub-shrub, 1' to 3' tall.
- Description: Small grassland shrub or sub-shrub with fine-textured, fern-like,
deciduous leaves on thornless, semi-woody or often mostly herbaceous wand-like stems; white-ball
flowers summer to fall; low growing, spreading by woody rhizomes.
- Landscape use: Commercially available subshrub; plant in full sun or part
shade, hardy and adaptable to most well-draining soils; good for holding soil on banks, spreading
aggressively under irrigation.
- Remarks: Formally known as Acacia angustissima. Three varieties occur
in the Chihuahuan Desert Region.

Last Update: 9 Sep 2013