Showy Menodora (Menodora longiflora)
Fruit of Showy Menodora (Menodora longiflora), Chihuahuan Desert Gardens, Centennial Museum, University of Texas at El Paso. Flowers, El Paso, TX. Photographs by Wynn Anderson.
- Common English Names: Showy Menodora
- Common Spanish Names:
- Scientific Name: Menodora longiflora (men-oh-DOOR-uh lon-gih-FLOOR-uh)
- Family: Oleaceae (Olive Family)
- Geographic Range: Central Texas west to southeastern New Mexico and south into Mexico.
- Plant Form: Erect subshrub, perennial, 6-18" in height.
- Remarks: Abundant yellow flowers in summer and fall.
Last Update: 3 Apr 2006