Pig Nut (Hoffmannseggia glauca)
Overview, 10 miles W of Hermanas, Luna Co., NM. Photograph by Wynn Anderson.
Flowers, Marfa, TX. Photograph by Gertrud Konnings.
- Common English Names: Pig Nut, Hog Potato, Indian Rushpea
- Common Spanish Names: Camote de raton
- Scientific Name: Hoffmannseggia glauca (HOFF-man-SEGG-ee-uh GLAU-kuh)
- Family: Fabaceae (Pea Family)
- Geographic Range: Central and southwestern U.S. to Mexico and south into western South America.
- Plant Form: Perennial forb.
- Remarks: Also as Caesalpinia glauca
Last Update: 19 Aug 2013