Centennial Museum gecko logo

Desert Diary Archives
Mammals: Page 6


The indices in this section include Desert Diary presentations on mammals. Audio clips from the radio broadcasts now are available for many of the Desert Diary web pages, courtesy of KTEP, National Public Radio for the Southwest.

Diarios del Desierto en español están en pagina 7.

Some of the thumbnail images associated with the subject entries are courtesy of other entities and are recognized formally on the appropriate pages.

thumbnail of Centennial Museum logo
Super Predator
thumbnail of Centennial Museum logo
thumbnail of Mexican packrat jaw showing the lateral dentine tract
Taffy Teeth
thumbnail of a mosaic of tails
thumbnail of drawing of fossil horse teeth
thumbnail of a harvest mouse
The Mouse
thumbnail of Centennial Museum logo
thumbnail of Centennial Museum logo
Toe Numbers
thumbnail of Neotoma albigula
Trade Rat
thumbnail of a hoary bat
thumbnail of humeri of a domestic cat and a mole
Two Arms
thumbnail of Centennial Museum logo
thumbnail of Centennial Museum logo
Ursus arctos
thumbnail of Centennial Museum logo
thumbnail of a chimpanzee
Viva la Difference!
thumbnail of burrow entrance
Wall Squirrel
thumbnail of a black-footed ferret
thumbnail of Centennial Museum logo
Whither Ice Age Rat
thumbnail of Centennial Museum logo
Wolf Clock
thumbnail of drawing of Onychomys
Wolf Mouse
thumbnail of Centennial Museum logo
thumbnail of Centennial Museum logo
thumbnail of Centennial Museum logo
thumbnail of Centennial Museum logo
thumbnail of Centennial Museum logo
plume and ink

Desert Diary is a production of KTEP, National Public Radio for the Southwest, University of Texas at El Paso.
