Taxonomy: Prototheria Through Soricomorpha


Keep in mind that this is a partial list only, though fairly complete at the family level of modern taxa. A complete classification of modern mammals can be accessed (and downloaded) at the Smithsonian's Mammal Species of the World. Some taxa now extirpated from our region of interest are included if they were present historically. For general orientation, some taxa not covered in class are included. You are responsible for the taxa in bold font, including their place within the taxonomic hierarchy and their common names (there will be additions as we cover the different groups in lecture). The links to the field guide accounts of various taxa are from the "North American Species" of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. The symbol indicates an extinct taxon. Classification and presentation of extant forms (order to genus) is from Wilson and Reeder (2005). Higher classification ranks are a mixture of traditional and more recent.

The taxonomy at the higher ranks is in a state of flux due both to new knowledge and to the introduction of cladistic methodologies. As such, there is no universally accepted higher classification at the moment. If you remain active in vertebrate biology, be prepared to keep tuned into current practices.

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Class Mammalia—Mammalia

Subclass Prototheria—Egg-laying Mammals

Order Monotremata—Monotremes

†Subclass Allotheria—Multituberculates

†Order Multituberculata—Multituberculates

Subclass Theria—True Mammals

Infraclass Metatheria—Marsupials (seven living orders)

Magnorder Ameridelphia—Ameridelphians

Order Didelphimorphia—Opossums

Family Didelphidae—Opossums

Didelphis virginiana—Virginia Opossum

Order Paucituberculata—Caenolests

†Order Sparassodonta—Sparassodonts

Magnorder Australidelphia—Australidelphians

Order Microbiotheria—Microbiotheres

Order Dasyuromorphia—Dasyuromophs

Order Peramelemorphia—Paramelemorphs

Order Notoryctemorphia—Notoryctemorphs

Order Diprotodontia—Kangaroo and Relatives

Infraclass Eutheria—Placental Mammals


Order Afrosoricida—Tenrecs and Golden Moles

Family Tenrecidae—Tenrecs

Family Chrysochloridae—Golden Moles

Order Macroscelidea—Elephant Shrews

Family Macroscelididae—Elephant Shrews

Order Tubulidentata—Aardvark

Family Orycterpodidae—Aardvark

Order Hyracoidea—Hyraxes

Family Procaviidae—Hyraxes

Order Proboscidea—Elephants

†?Suborder Moeritherioidea—Moeritherium-like Proboscideans

Suborder Euelephantoidea—Gomphotheres, Elephants, and Mammoths

Family Elephantidae—Elephants

Elephas maximus—Indian Elephant

Loxodonta africana—African Elephant

†Suborder Mammutoidea—Mastodonts

†Suborder Deinotherioidea—Deinotheres

Order Sirenia—Dugongs, Manatees, and Sea Cows

Family Dugongidae—Dugongs

Family Trichechidae—Manatees

Trichechus manatus—West Indian Manatee

Order Embrithopoda—Embrithopods

Order Desmostylia—Desmostylians

Magnorder Xenarthra—Xenarthrans

Order Cingulata—Cingulate Edentates

Family Dasypodidae—Armadillos

Dasypus novemcinctus—Nine-banded Armadillo

Order Pilosa—Sloths and Anteaters

Suborder Folivora—Sloths

Family Bradypodidae—Three-toed Tree Sloths

Family Megalonychidae—Two-toed Tree Sloths and the extinct Megalonychid Ground Sloths

Suborder Vermilingua—Anteaters

Family Cyclopedidae—Silky Anteaters

Family Myrmecophagidae—Giant Anteaters

Magnorder Boreoeutheria—Boreoeutherians

Insertae sedis—Taxa with unknown position

†Order Leptictida—Leptictidas

†Order Anagalida—Anagalidas

†Order Apatemyida—Apatemyidas

†Order Taeniodonta—Taeniodonts

†Order Pantodonta—Pantodontas

†Order Pantolestes—Pantolestes

†Order Dinocerata—Dinoceratas

Order Scandentia—Scandentians

Family Tupaiidae—Tree Shrews

Family Ptilocercidae—Pin-tailed Tree Shrew

Order Dermoptera—Flying Lemurs

Family Galeopithecidae—Colugo

Order Primates—Primates

Suborder Plesiadapiformes—Plesiadapiformes

Suborder Prosimii—Prosimians

†Infraorder Adapiformes—Adapiforms

Infraorder Lemuriformes—Lemuriforms

Family Lemuridae—Lemurs

Family Lorisidae—Lorises

Family Daubentoniidae—Bush Babies

Infraorder Tarsiiformes—Tarsiiforms

Family Tarsiidae—Tarsiers

Suborder Anthropoidea—Monkeys, Apes, and Humans

Infraorder Platyrrhini—New World Monkeys

Family Cebidae—New World Monkeys

Family Callitrichidae—Marmosets

Infraorder Catarrhini—Old World Monkeys, Apes, and Humans

Family Cercopithecidae—Old World Monkeys

Family Hylobatidae—Gibbons

Family Hominidae—Great Apes and Humans


Pan—Chimpanzee and Bonobo

Homo sapiens—Humans

Order Lagomorpha—Pikas, Hares, and Rabbits

Family Ochotonidae—Pikas

Ochotona princeps—Collared Pika

Family Leporidae—Hares and Rabbits

Lepus californicus—Black-tailed Jackrabbit

Lepus townsendii—White-tailed Jackrabbit

Sylvilagus audubonii—Desert Cottontail

Sylvilagus floridanus—Eastern Cottontail

Sylvilagus nuttallii—Mountain Cottontail

Order Erinaceomorpha—Hedgehogs and Relatives

Family Erinaceidae—Hedgehogs

Order Soricomorpha—Shrew and Mole-like Insectivores

Family Nesophontidae—Nesophontes

Family Solenodontidae—Solenodons

Family Soricidae—Shrews

Cryptotis parvus—Least Shrew

Notiosorex crawfordi—Desert Shrew

Sorex cinereus—Masked Shrew

Sorex monticolus—Montane Shrew

Sorex palustris—Water Shrew

Sorex preblei—Prebles Shrew

Family Talpidae—Moles


Last Update: 16 Jan 2008

Centennial Museum and Department of Biological Sciences, The University of Texas at El Paso