
Western Spotted Skunk
Spilogale gracilis


distribution map of the Western Spotted Skunk, Spilogale gracilis, in the Chihuahuan Desert Region

Western Spotted Skunk

Spilogale gracilis. Photographer: Alden M. Johnson. Copyright 1999 California Academy of Sciences.



This small, attractive skunk is common throughout the Chihuahuan Desert Region. It is famed for its "handstand", a warning attitude consisting of standing on its front paws, rump high in the air; contrary to some local lore, it is quite capable of spraying from this position.

As with the other skunks, its vivid white on black coloration is an example of aposematic coloration—warning coloration that says, "Don't fool with me; if you do, I'll make you sorry". Most people familiar with skunks, however, suggest that the scent of the Spotted Skunk is somewhat less disagreeable than that of other species.


Last Update: 27 Jul 2009